Miss Nicky Tyler
We offer a pupil-centred approach for consulting young people with special educational needs about their education and involve them in the decision-making process.
- Focus on the child as an individual.
- Enable the child and their parents (carers) to express their views and wishes.
- Enable the child and their parents (carers) to be part of and contribute to the decision-making process.
- Strive to make communications easy for children and their parents or carers to understand (verbally or through use of pictures or written translations or translators where applicable).
- Highlight the child’s strengths and capabilities.
- Enable the child and those who know them best to identify what works best for them, their interests and what outcomes they are seeking in the future.
- Tailor support to the needs of the individual.
- Ensure the results of assessments are shared effectively.
- Co-ordinate with relevant professionals to deliver an outcomes-focused plan for the child and their parents.
- Be mindful of the added value that working with a range of different service providers brings to the school and how this can enhance the quality of provision for pupils with SEND.
- our SEN Policy
- our Local Offer
- our Early Help offer